Tuesday 23 October 2012

Procrastination is a Lot Like...

You ever get the feeling someone's been slipping kryptonite in your tea? Well I have and it's had terrible effects on my inspiration and general writing mojo. In short, I've become a procrastinator. Oh that sounds so dirty, doesn't it? Yuck. I'm not sure exactly how or why it's happened, but I do know I'm in no shape to put in the effort to seek understanding, I just want it to stop. I even tried taking a shower, but the procrastination doesn't wash away, it sticks to the skin like a badly done fake tan. 

I think part of the problem is the house. It's always been my biggest distraction only before, I managed to zone it out and get some work done. Sadly however, my superpowers have been diminishing. Then I reminded myself that I've never been one to let life beat me down for too long, so I've finally decided to take action:  

First, switch to coffee. 
Second, get out of the house. 

I got my inspiration from Tia Bach over at Depression Cookies. She's put together a NaNo bag that contains her laptop and all her essentials she'll need when she heads out to Starbucks each morning to write.  So that's what I'm going to do...sorta...as soon as I finish this post. The closest Starbucks is a good four hour drive from my house, therefore, I've opted to go to the local library instead. And since all the books are in French, I shouldn't be too distracted once I get there. Just point me to a corner where I can work on my wip and I'll let you know how things go...later. But first, let me make myself a cup of tea coffee. (;

UPDATE: Well, I found out the library is closed on Mondays and doesn't open on Tuesdays until 4pm. So, I headed to the grocery store which is a little farther away but it does have a little coffee shop and I finally found a place to sit with my laptop. 

Result: Over 1000 words written in 2 hours. Not bad. Not bad at all, so take that procrastination! :P 


  1. I'm okay once I get going, but getting butt in chair in the first place is the tricky part. Sometimes I think my brain isn't really on my side...

    Moody Writing

  2. I too occasionally go to the library to work. There's one seat in the entire building that is distraction free (except for the occasional passer-by). It always throws me when I get there and someone else is already occupying it. I always feel like staring at them until they get up and move.

  3. Kryptonite Huh? The only cure for that is enthusiasm. I hope you find some at the library, or the beverage of choice. Personally I'd go for a rootbeer float. I bet that's hard to get in France though.

  4. lol... good onya ;)

    yup, coffee all day, tea just before bed!

    now the ex, and grown kids, outta my hair, leaves the dog to try to boss me, guess who wins that one? ...charbucks, libraries, etc distract me no end, so i park my ass at my keybored at home, all noises turned off, except cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances with screaming sirens... AND i can make another coffee whenever i wanna :P

  5. I use to be able to write at home without much trouble. Now that I'm retired, writing at home has become more difficult. There is just too much to do around the house, and I have this darn internet to distract me. So, I now spend a lot of time at the library: about two to three hours a day, then come home and type whatever needs to be typed. It's working out pretty well for me. I hope your new pattern works out for you.

  6. BTW, I enjoyed your recent snapshots. You're quite a photogrpher.

    1. Thanks Richard, but the camera did most of the work. (:

  7. I have to agree with Richard, those photos look top-notch! And boy do I relate to your post. It's been a lot of what I'm going through and I just might have to get out of the house as well. Not today though, the hubby was whining he has no underwear last night :)

  8. Elise, we have a lot in common regarding writing distraction. My house is THE biggest thing to gnaw at my writing/blogging/etc. time. We are remodeling (by we, I mean ME) a bathroom right now, and it's killing 9 hours a day (I do all the labor myself). Luckily, I have a story at the editor right now, so nothing too pressing in terms of deadlines. But I can't wait to get back into my writing routine! :-)

  9. Oh dear, I totally understand this. The internet is the worst thing for me, but once I drag myself away from it, I'm usually okay.

    I love working at my local library though. It's right by the beach and the quiet study area on the first floor has amazing views whatever the weather. It's a very inspiring place to write.

  10. Mood: Try putting magnets in the seat of your pants and getting an iron metal chair... :D

    M.J. LOL! Don't you wish that could actually work. Or if you could shoot lasers out your eyes. I'd use it on people that stand behind me while I work at the computer.

    Sara: Hummm, and where can one obtain this "enthusiasm" you speak of? (; Actually, I think this new routine is going to work out well for me, yeah!

    Lawolf: I used to be able to zone it all out but can't do it anymore. The internet and the kids are too much of a distraction for me. But I'm glad it works for you. (:

    Richard: I agree, Richard and I think this new routine is exactly what I need.

    Rose: LOL! That's too funny Rose. :D And I do recomend getting out of the house if you can, it worked for me. I'm glad you like the pics, too. (:

    E.J. Oh yes, I understand. We're renovating an old stone farm house and it's a slow and time consuming process. But good luck to you with the remodeling, there is something very satisfying about doing it yourself. It also sounds like the timing is perfect with your story at your editors. (:

    Stacey: The internet is an awful time suck for sure. Your local library though sounds like a perfect place to write.

    Alex: Yes, sir! (:

  11. I procrastinate all the time. I figure one of these days I'll sit down and write something.

  12. Awesome, Elise! I agree with Alex... whatever it takes!

    I'm rooting for you!!!

  13. Michael: LOL! I wish I had your kind of procrastination.

    Morgan: Thank Morgan!

  14. Very cool procrastination butt-kicking! If it works, don't fix it. ;)

  15. some wag said it best: if it ain't broke, FIX IT TIL IT IS! :P

  16. Glad the NaNo bag inspired you. I'm heading out with again tomorrow. It saved me during jury duty... I actually got some things done. Yeah for the 1000 words!

  17. I was once a procrastinator to the point that when I clipped my nails...one nail one day at a time. lol

    Yeah, a change of pace and scenery does one wonders. Hope the little coffee shop works out for you. If not, I am sure there are other places.


  18. Cathy: I'm definitely sticking to this plan! (:

    Lawolf: Must have been Canadian, eh?

    Tia: Thanks Tia! (:

    Jeremy: Hilarious! I can't even top that. Ten nails, ten days...hilarious. :D

    1. actually it was a young american lady i stole the phrase from! :P lol

  19. 1k in 2 hours! You're my hero. :)

    1. lol! As long as it doesn't take me another 2 weeks between writing sessions again. :/

  20. I love the new look! I'm sorry I'm such a bad blogger friend I haven't been by sooner. It sounds like you're making progress. Keep it up!

    1. No worries Mina! I know you still love me. :D

  21. Love the new look, too. And the procrastination image. :-) Anyplace you can find that is close and convenient to write without distractions is fine. Have note cards with you at all times and scribble snips of dialogue or plot twists as they occur to you. When you do sit down, you will have a foundation of bits to puzzle together! :-)

  22. Love getting out of the house to write... it feels like a special occassion where one *nust* write to justify the $5 coffee... :)

    Well done, hope you make it back sooner than later :)

  23. I've become addicted to writing in cafe's and other little nooks (even fast food joints, I'll admit it!). It really helps, and I like the background chatter of conversations that I can eavesdrop on :) Congrats on getting some good words in!

  24. That's great you found a way to beat procrastination! I used to be a terrible procrastinator that I would procrastinate later! Now I try to keep ahead of things better.

  25. I'm actually getting back into the groove of my daily 10minute free writing session which is a warm-up for the "real thing", though there are times when the free writing becomes the only bit of writing for the day. At least it keeps me writing on a regular basis. The trick is to continue with it...
    Yay for beating procrastination!!

  26. Roland: Thanks Roland! I don't keep note cards (that would be too organized for me), but I do keep old receipts that I sprinkle everywhere, especially in the car, and use them to scribble ideas and thoughts when they pop into my little brain. (;

    Mark: I spent 5 Euros on 2 cups of hot chocolate, sans croissant. boo. But, I'm loving the word count so totally worth it.

    Meradeth: I actually can't wait to go back tomorrow. I wasn't able today and miss it. Writing 1000k like that on Tuesday is so addicting to me!

    Cherie: Awesome, thanks Cherie. (:

    Michelle: Thanks Mich, and I like your 10 min free writing session. I may have to try that....(:

  27. Well done Elise! I always say, if the library is closed, head to the grocery store ;) haha.

  28. Great job Elise! Writing in a grocery store. Haha. :)

  29. Congrats! Sometimes all we need is to get away somewhere we can completely focus. Let's face it, we're never going to run out of things to deal with in the house!

  30. Kelley: Mr. Spock would find that completely logical, I think... :)

    Sherry: Thanks!! (:

    Jessica: Thank you! The grocery store, a writer's newest secret weapon! LOL :D

    Nick: Thanks! I'm hoping for a repeat tomorrow and hell, why not for the rest of the month! Right now, the house is the worst for me.

  31. I would comment, but I can't be bothered...

  32. You go girl!!!! I had to start doing the same exact thing in September. We purchased a trophy and awards company at the end of July that we run from our home. Now I get no writing done if I stay at home. So I started going to Panera Bread, a coffee shop/bakery near my house. It is the perfect writing atmosphere. *raises coffee cup in salute* Way to do what you need to to get your writing quota in.

  33. Hi Elise - good for you to look to up the ante against procrastination .. all too easy to do something else. Long may it continue working .. the library with only French books sounds a good place to be for zoning out .. cheers Hilary

  34. Congrats on those thousand words -- go you!!! And I love your line about the fake tan not washing off. Too funny! Good luck if you're doing NaNo. :-)
    (Oh, and my holiday-week idea means spreading out the giving of gifts from everyone, not like you have to buy seven of them. My wallet would cry, too.)


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