Tuesday 30 October 2012

CGI Behind Game of Thrones

I came across this clip a while back and then forgot about it until now. Anyway, I found it interesting because it shows examples of the CGI magic behind the tv series Game of Thrones. 

I don't know about you, but I can't wait until March 31st for season 3 to begin. GOT is the only series I'll be watching next year. Sorry Arrow, but I'm only using you until I can get my dose of Imp. :P 


  1. Hey,

    I've never seen GOT and I suppose someone else is already selling T-shirts with "Got GOT" but the video was great (and I don't know what CGI stands for, but it's cool how they do "that."

    1. Hey Mark, CGI stands for Computer Generated Imagery but I call it the devil's work. :P

    2. hey, i studied cgi... oh, yeah... i AM the devil! :P lol

    3. This ^^ explains a lot, wuff! :P

  2. Dare I admit that I've not seen or read GOT. I'm so behind.

  3. C... G... I...? NOOO! It's all real, I tell you! REAL! How dare you spoil my immersion... argh! ;)

    But being serious now, Game of Thrones is rather good, but if you've read the books there is a bit of a shift from certain characters and threads that the readership are not happy about. But luckily, I'm ignorant to all that fanboi stuff.

    Recently, in a temporary job I had as a Security Agent at Cardiff Airport, I had the pleasure of talking 1-2-1 with the actor who plays 'Bron'. Can't for the life of me recall his real name, but what an amazingly normal guy, and nice with it. Mind you, I was passing his stuff through x-ray at the time, so maybe that was why?

    So, jumping boats, how about 'The Walking Dead'? Hmm? Yeah? You like? So looking forward to season 3, oh yes.

  4. Sara: I haven't read the books either so I'm behind too. But if you like epic fantasy and have a bit of time, you should give GOT a shot. (:

    Mark: Walking Dead? NOOOOOOO! *freaks out and runs to hide under desk* I'm ashamed to say I didn't last 10 minutes into the first episode of WD. I just can't do zombies Mark, they stress me out way too much. But how cool you got to talk to Bronn of GOT! Maybe he was super nice to you because Tyrion was hiding in his bags... (; And hey, if you go to a French crepe shop that just opened up in Cardiff a few months ago, be nice to the owners, they're good friends of mine and they make great crepes! :D

    1. Your friends own a Crepe shop in Cardiff!?! Small world! I love crepe... Ok, here's the deal - if ever you're in Cardiff you, Wayne and I should meet at your friend's Crepe shop, stuff ourselves silly with crepe and beverages, then take some pics to post on the blogs. Plus Wayne and I could give you a guided tour of Cardiff :)

    2. Oh that would be so amazing! I am planning to visit my friends at some point and it would be incredible to eat crepes with you and Wayne! I've heard Cardiff is a really nice city, all I need to do is pack my rain jacket and umbrella...uh, I mean brolly. (;

    3. Seriously, just let us know. It'd be a treat, a pleasure and an honour to show you our fair-ish city. We can even take you to where Dr Who is filmed, and also Torchwood.

    4. OMG Mark! Dr Who! Torchwood! Blogging/Writing buddies! Crepes! I'll definitely keep you posted. Maybe I can organize something in the spring, let me talk to my friends and get back to ya. My email is fallingwitch at gmail dot com. :D

    5. omg Elise you really should read the books they're great ... well the first few at least I think he starts to go off the boil after a while!

    6. I know D, so many people have told me the same thing. Maybe I'll treat myself to the first GOT for Christmas.

  5. I don't have HBO, so I've been watching this series a season behind online.

    1. Me too Alex. I streamed it online over a period of a few weeks to catch up. Now I wish I had spread it out a bit more because I'm growing impatient to see season 3.

  6. I didn't realize there was a third season release date for GOT. I feel like such a bad fan now. That show is the only reason I have HBO.

  7. I love stuff like this! And I haven't seen this show... I've obviously heard a TON about it! I need to get on that...

  8. Game of Thrones is only doing half of the book "A Storm of Swords" which is fine by me because they've been really chewing through the material and skipping a bunch of stuff. They should have slowed down and cut season two in half. Next year we get another fantasy series based on Terry Brooks Shannara books so you may be eating your words.

  9. MJ: HBO...I've forgotten what it's like to have HBO...

    Morgan: It's a fun show. (:

    Michael: If you only knew how often I eat words...

  10. love the trailer... for the most part - really resent insertion of a gollum-like chracter... too much tolkien influence, that :(

  11. Thanks for sharing. Special effects are amazing, aren't they?

    We don't have HBO. Don't even have cable. We quit paying for TV after hurricane Ike. It's rabbit ears (and a converter box) for us. I love *FREE*. :)


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