Tuesday 25 September 2012

Thank You For The Gift Card

Recently, fellow blogger and writer Sabrina at Sabrina's Writing Reflections hit her 100 follower milestone. To celebrate, she had a giveaway and randomly awarded one lucky person with a $10 Amazon Gift card. Can you guess who that lucky person might have been? *silly girl waves arms in air* It was ME! 

So I want to thank Sabrina again for the gift card and show you guys what I purchased. I decided to treat my kids and ordered the The Tail of Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler. We received it in the mail a few days ago and every night I read a few pages to them before bed. So far, we really enjoy it. My daughter is hooked and my son....well, he listens for about a page or two and then he gets frigidity, which is understandable because he's only 3 and the book doesn't have any pictures. It's a big girl book. (; 

 Anyway, I thank you Sabrina and so do my kids.  

Now go and check out Sabrina's blog and wish her a Happy Birthday. She's turning 30 over the weekend and has a skydiving story to share with you!  (: 


  1. Cool for you. Now be a trooper and donate it to the government to bring down the national deficit, big money girl! lol

    1. I'd be happy to donate the book when I'm finished with it, but I fear the reading level may be too difficult for the government... :P

  2. Congratulations!!
    And your response above is hilarious.

  3. Congrats, Elise. I'll have to check out that book. It looks like something I might want to read. :)

  4. Hey, thanks for the shout! So glad you found something awesome with your prize! Thanks for being one of my most fave bloggy friends!

  5. Alex: xD

    Linda: I think you'll like it, definitely MG but I'm not expert in this cateagory. (:

    Sabrina: You're welcome my awesome bloggy buddy! :D

  6. grats to you, and daughter, too... we boys like adventure, and monster, stuff :P

  7. lawolf: Oh, I think my girl would like adventure and monster stuff too....(:

    Michelle: Thanks hon! I think the cover is great too. This is the first in a series and the other covers are just as cute. (:

    1. lol... both my girls still do ;)

      of course sonny does, without question!

  8. Congrats! The book's cover looks really nice.


  9. Congats to you! Woop! I love winning free sh** & giving it away too. LOL!

  10. I always like books about mermaids. The novel I'm shopping is about a selkie so I like to stay abreast of similar books.

  11. Cool! A mermaid book! My girls would be a over that one :)

  12. Hey,

    I bet this is a great book for girls, but I think your little guy is smart:) All the men in our house (age 5, 2.5 and 9 months) would probably be figity, too.

    We need stuff that blows up and water guns and scary blob stuff :)

  13. Gina: Hi, and thanks for stopping by! I love the cover too, and the other three books in the series are just as beautiful.

    Mina: I know! Who doesn't like free s***! I need to think about doing a give away too...

    Sara: Ok, so I'm a bit embarrassed, but I had to google 'selkie' and glad I did because they sound amazing! Would love to know more... (;

    Rose: You should check out the rest in the series, I bet they'd love those too.

    Mark: I guess. Maybe with any luck the book will be about merpeople that blow the swamp thing out of the water...or something...(;

    Kelley: Thanks girl! (:

  14. Congratulations on the gift card! My girl and I love the Emily Windsnap series. Headed over to Sabrina's blog...

    1. Thanks Jenn! Nice to hear you like the series. (:

  15. You won???? AWESOME!!!!!! That's too cool. And Sabrina is fabulous. :D

  16. Congratulations on your loot! I love winning things from blogs. It is such fun.

  17. Sweet! Mermaids are awesome. Congrats, Elise!

  18. Morgan: Yes she is.

    Michael: It sure is, plus she was able to send it to me via e-mail, so she didn't have to worry about mailing it overseas.

    Matthew: Thanks Matthew! (:

  19. "I fear the reading level may be too difficult for the government... :P"

    xD Bwahahahaha
    Wait... you're not in the US. 0_0

    I enjoyed the post. :)

    1. I think it could be applied to all government! :D

  20. Congratulations! You are a lucky person!

  21. Wow, lucky kids! How nice of you to share your gift card with them ;)


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