Thursday 19 July 2012

What's the 1st Rule in WRiTE CLUB?!

DL Hammons from Cruising Altitude (which you should seriously go check out if you haven't already) is hosting another round of WRiTE CLUB! I wasn't around last year for the first one but from what I've read, it sounds AWESOME! A quick breakdown of the writing competition: Beginning July 30th, weekly bouts will be held to determine winners for the play-offs and undisputed champion. Over the course of 12 weeks, your ANONYMOUS 500 word writing sample will go head to head with other entries in the ultimate writing championship. Anyone can take part and can submit entries from any genre.  For the complete set of rules and guidelines go HERE

Here are DL Hammons tenets (ring any bells?) copied from his blog post:

1st RULE: You MUST talk about WRiTE CLUB - Spread the word far and wide so we can involve as many writers as possible.  Display the WRiTE CLUB banner prominently on your own blog.  Write a post about it.  Tweet it.  Mention it on Facebook.  Encourage people to submit or vote.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about WRiTE CLUB – Once the competition begins you are not allowed to solicit votes.  All of the writing entries are anonymous, and we want it to stay that way.

3rd RULE: If someone taps out, WRiTING is over - Tapping out means a WRiTER can decide at any time during the 12 week competition to withdraw their name from the pool.

4th RULE: Only two people to a WRiTE - This is a head-to head competition, no ganging up allowed.

5th RULE: One WRiTE per week - No matter how many submissions I receive, there will only be one WRiTE per week.

6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes - Come on, tell me you didn't giggle at that one.

7th RULE: WRiTES will go on until Oct5th - On that date the 12 winners will be matched up against one another on daily posts until the ultimate WRiTER is chosen.

8th RULE: If this is your first week at WRiTE CLUB, you HAVE to WRiTE - Each week newsubmissions will be placed in a "newby" pool from which one half of the WRiTE will be made up.  The other WRiTER will come from the existing pool.  If there are no "newbies", both WRiTERS will come from the existing pool less the previous winners.

Do you have a writer's warrior spirit?
Curious to see how your writing measures up?
Then what are you waiting for, go sign up!

And Welcome to WRiTE CLUB.

just a little something to get you in the mood... (;


  1. some laughs:

    1. OMG that dude is huge and look at that chin!
      I think you'll like this one... :D

  2. I definitely don't have a warrior's spirit, but good luck to you, Elise! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  3. Sounds cool. Best of luck! :)

  4. Thanks Melissa!

    Wayne: Internet high 5! (:

  5. Not sure I understand the progression, but should be an excellent way of seeing how you're doing as a writer.

    1. DL Hammons will be posting a follow-up to questions that people have on his blog site . What I didn't mention in my post is the winner of the final round will be picked by a panel of publishing industry professionals!

  6. Thank you for passing along the torch Elise! It really is appreciated. One of the things I really enjoy about WRiTE CLUB is meeting other blogger/writers. I'll be posting another follow-up post about WRiTE CLUB to answer the questions I've come across both here and around the blogosphere, as well as my philosophy for why I'm doing it.

    Thank you again! :)

    1. My pleasure! And thanks for hosting WRiTE CLUB!


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