Sunday 6 May 2012

Savory Sunday: No-Knead Bread

No-knead bread needs no explaination. 
Well actually it does, but it is so worth it. 

Bread. I love bread. I'm French/Italian so I was practically born with a loaf of bread in one hand and a cigarette in the other (just kidding folks). That being said, I can't bake for shit. I've tried and tried, but when it come to flour, baker's yeast, and an oven, the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry jump ship. I must be the only mother alive that can't bake edible cookies for her children. *hangs head in shame* A palm reader once told me the root of my problem was that I didn't know my oven well enough. True story.

Luckily, a really good friend of mine passed this recipe along promising me it was easy and even I couldn't screw it up. And he was right, it turned out fantastic despite my baking deficiency (see picture of my bread-making success). The result was a perfectly crisp bread crust with a soft inside...heaven. Even the French people liked it and that's saying a lot. The only thing I'd do differently next time is add a bit more salt. So, click the LINK and get the recipe for bread from the New York Times that you just can't screw up. If I can do this, so can you. 

Note: I'm going to be traveling for the next 2 days so I'll be out until I get back home.


  1. Mmmm, that is a mighty good looking bread and fresh baked bread is the best. Hooray for an easy recipe. I will give it a try.

  2. Oooh. This looks wonderful. Will be testing.

    1. I'd also like to know how it turns out, when ever you get a chance to try it out. :)

  3. I love delicious bread. All the characters in my book can eat carbs and never get fat. That's at the root of good sci-fi, right?

    1. Absoultely. Also, I'd like to be a character in your book. The "eat carbs and never get fat" part appeals to me.

  4. I'm a big fan of bread! Looks like those round loafs of Italian bread you buy in the fancy grocery stores.

  5. Thanks for the recipe! It looks really good. :)

  6. Love it, Elise! I'm not much of a bread eater--I've got Gluten issues, LOL. But it does look scrumptious!!! Thanks for sharing--love the pic!

    1. Sorry hon, gluten is in everything it seems. ):

  7. When I was a teenager, I had the magic touch to bread making. Now, I don't. What the devil happened to me. Maybe it is like when I was a teenager, I won lots of contests or radio station giveaways, now I don't. I've lost the magic that it takes to make bread. Darn it. Well, I'll have to check out the recipe. And good job for making the bread. Success!

    And I love bread. Darn those carbs. Grrr. But I've gotta eat, right? haha


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