Monday 30 April 2012

Z for Zebra Swallowtail and Zuper Duper News!


I've decided to end this A-Z Challenge with the beautiful Zebra Swallowtail. No Fun Facts, just beauty in the form of a butterfly. Wow. I can't believe I posted about insects for almost a month. I can't believe you all came to read these posts!

© Copyright Brian Robert Marshall and
licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence

If there's one thing I'd like for you to come away with after a month of  bug fun facts it's this: The insect world is a macrocosmic wonder full of life and diversity and it's not because it is small that it should be regarded as insignificant. Insects may hold the key to potential cures for diseases such as cancer or alzheimers. And if you think about it, insects were the original farmers, architects, engineers, dancers, warriors, thieves, cannibals, and Kama Sutra masters of this planet. They excel in the art of misdirection and camouflage and so much more. We still have much to learn from these amazing creatures but have only scratched the surface. Unfortunately, their habitat in many corners of the world is being cut down and destroyed before we have the chance to fully understand and study them.

So thank you all for letting me geek out about insects. Despite the lack of sleep, it was fun and a wonderful opportunity to network and meet awesome folks. A big thank you to everyone who helped put together and organize the challenge, I'll get out to all your blogs soon and make sure I'm following. Thanks again and I'll have more to say about that in my May 7th post.

And now for my ZUPER DUPER NEWS! No,  I didn't finish my book...but, by the time you read this post, I will have ingested debatable airline food, have crossed the Atlantic ocean and will have waited 24 hours before getting my luggage (not even kidding). Good news, I'm in the US for a week visiting my Dad and I'm thrilled! I just hate the flying bit. I used to love it as a kid, but now that I have kids, flying stresses me out. But in addition to visiting my Dad, I'm also going to meet another very special individual, someone I've known for over a year but have never met in person. She is a fantastic writer, published author, super blogger and an all around wonderful person. It will take a lot of restraint on my part not to tackle her when I see her! More on that later (;

All this just means I may be off the radar for a few days but should be able to plug back into a computer soon. So in the mean time, try not to get into any trouble, but if trouble finds you, make sure you can blog about it!

Cheers (:


  1. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy every minute. It's been a pleasure to meet you and I hope we continue to visit each other.

    1. You're pretty much stuck with me now! It has been wonderful meeting you too.(:

  2. Enjoy your trip!!!!!!! "see" you when you get back :)

  3. Enjoy yourself. You've earned it. You did a phenomenal job on the post. I enjoyed reading them. :)

    1. Thank you so much Mina. It was fun and I'm glad I was able to participate. (:

  4. Eeeee! Hope you're not too tired! Those across the Atlantic trips are exhausting! Heh, if you're near Utah come say hi, LOL. Hope it's so much fun for you, Elise! :D

    1. I'd love to head out to Utah! Maybe next time (:

  5. Welcome back to America. Hopefully you see some interesting insects while you are here.

  6. Well done on surviving the challenge - love the butterfly... shame we don't get that much variety of them in the UK. Pop over for a 'survivors' badge I created if you want one ;)

  7. Enjoy your trip. Can't wait to hear more about that author....

    1. S.P. Thanks! Hopefully I'll get to do a quick post about it when I get back. (:

  8. Love the picture. You did such a wonderful job with A to Z. I learned SO much! So glad you arrived safely, my friend!

  9. Hey Elise... I can't believe that the challenge is over! Seems like just the other day we set off on this crazy alphabet journey...
    Congratulations on making it to the finish line!
    Have a good holiday and we'll chat again when you return...

  10. Well done on completing the challenge. Try not to injure that writer when you tackle them.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

    1. Happy to report there were no long term injuries. (;

  11. Beautiful picture. That's definitely an eye-catching butterfly!

    I hope you're enjoying your trip! :)

  12. Good luck wherever you are and it sounds like you are going to have *lots* of topics to post about later :)


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